Tuesday 19 February 2019

ABSOLUTE TRUTH (poem) S.Sarojam

When the burning hot days
Die down into spitting embers
Nights spread its wings of solitude
And it is then,
You come in search of me
From a nameless distant shore.

Like the cooling rains
That drip down onto
Hot patched summer earth
You flow unto me
As a river of honey
Sweetening my lips
Gone sour with tart drinks

Hiding a sea of sorrow
In a romantic heart
Lighting up the lamp of love
In your dreamy soulful eyes
You smile at me
Showing your  teeth
Shimmering like pearls.

Oh,Iam siting in front of you
Watching the nectar
Dripping down your lips

Who are you?
Iam asking myself in mystic,
Some one far beyond
My human imaginings,
And far above my  emotions,
And sense of comprehension...

But , only this much I know,
Without you
Iam not.